Monday, November 24, 2008

Versus: Harry Potter and Twilight

Harry Potter being the series following our intrepid boy wizard and his shenanigans at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,


Twilight being the series about young love and the supernatural and how the two make for a really LOL-worthy combination.


It's really quite hard to avoid the whole shebang regarding Harry Potter and Twilight if you've lived on Planet Earth, Milky Way galaxy, the Solar System since early 2000. The two are undoubtedly the biggest non-Disney teen franchises in modern day history with their fanbase ranging from the cute 9 year old to the scarily obsessed adult, and boy, let me tell you Twilight sure have a lot of Twi-tards going on in this section of the demographic.

Of course since they're both aimed at teens and have plots revolving around the supernatural, they were bound to draw comparisons from the public. The angst of teenage life is chronicled well and thoroughly (if not focused on completely separate and differentiating parts) and there is a fair amount of suspense and intrigue going on in both books. However because humans like to nit pick, and I being but a simple human, cannot help but jump on the bandwagon and compare and contrast the hell out of both books.

Initially I had a long-ass list written out, covering many different facets, such as the epilogue in Midnight Sun and Deathly Hollows - which one was more cringe-inducing (Midnight Sun), the characters: Harry vs Edward - who do you want to backhand more (Edward), the love story: Harry&Ginny vs Edward&Bella - which was more epic (the fat kid and his chocolate cake)... you get the picture. But then I realize that sure, I could write a 3000 word essay on the topic and hurt your eyes with no paragraph breaks. But why do that when I have this lying around and it explains everything I feel about the books?

Harry Potter vs Twilight

Final tally
Twilight, youse got served.

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