The Day The Earth Stood Still

Where in all the hot guys bar John Cleese dies. Yeah, I didn't know John Cleese was in this movie either. Although one has to wonder, for a movie that preaches what it preaches, why is practically every car featured a gas guzzler?
Yes Man

As impractical, implausible and impossible this movie is, it's still fairly entertaining. Especially more so because of this scene:

Helps if you really like or know about music from the '90s.
I LOVED YES MAN! Especially when Norman called him Car. Hahaha but TDTESS was dissapointing. The ending :(
Jim Schembri described Keanu Reeves as doing what he was born to do while The Herald Sun claimed they always knew he was an alien.
I found their comments highly appropos in this context. Lol.
Though I must commend Keanu for his decent Mandarin conversation. The best since Gustaf Graves (why do I remember his name?!) from Die Another Day's attempt at Korean. I remember we both gave him props for his commendable effort...
I know it's been aeons since you posted this but I only just recently watched Yes Man (regret). Props to the excellent, EXCELLENT use of Jumper for that ledge scene. Never has a piece of 90s music been so relevant to movie making...
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